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Some Facts About Reading

Loud Reading


ñ     Positive Aspects of Loud Reading:

  1. Increases concentration and decreases the chances of distraction:

While loud reading multiple senses are at work. Therefore our mind has to work more. Hence there is less chance of getting distracted. Concentration increases if we do not get distracted.

  1. Leads to better comprehension:

Increase in concentration leads to better comprehension.

  1. Increases the chances of extensive reading:

While reading aloud we constantly listen to what we read. Hence there is less chance of missing anything.  

  1. Enhances pronunciation:

Since we can listen to what we read while reading aloud, there is a possibility of being aware of our wrong pronunciation. If we are aware of our wrong pronunciation we can rectify it.


ñ     Negative Aspects of Loud Reading:

  1. Fatigue:

Reading aloud for a long time can cause fatigue. This may eventually lead to lack of interest and concentration.

  1. Circumstantial problem:

Loud reading cannot be done at all places. At times it may cause disturbance to others.

Bad Reading Habits

  1. Reading while doing something else such as eating, talking, chatting through a social networking site (Causes distraction, Lessens comprehension and slows down the pace)
  2. Reading in incorrect postures (Harms eyesight, causes shoulder pain)
  3. Moving lips while reading (Slows down the pace)
  4. Reading with same speed (Lessens comprehension)
  5. Rereading a word or sentence out of habit (Slows down the pace)
  6. Reading in low light (Harms eyesight)

Tips for Effective Reading

(See Technical Communication 2nd Edition by M. Raman and S. Sharma; Chapter: 12)

  1. Learning and applying certain reading skills such as Note-making, Understanding Discourse Coherence and Sequencing of Sentences.
  2. Applying certain techniques such as SQ3R Technique, Skimming and Scanning, Summarising
  3. Being aware of non-verbal signs, structure of the text, structure of the paragraph, punctuation
  4. Inferring author’s viewpoint
  5. Anticipating meanings of unfamiliar words
  6. Asking typical reading comprehension questions
  7. Predicting the content
  8. Understanding the gist